Monday, 29 April 2013

Our Quadblogging challenge for this week...

Our Quadblogging challenge for this week...

Well done to Caitlin, Maia and Emi - (and any others who commented on our Melbourne Quadblogging class last week) Table points await you on your return to class in one weeks time.

We have had some issues being able to comment on the blog - this week. If you can post any comments - great. If not, please leave your comment in the comments section below this post and I will forward onto their teacher via email. Please make sure you add the title and author of the post you are commenting on. An example is below.

Its a class from Constantine Primary School in Cornwall, UK.

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Anzac Day 2013

There are several famous poets known mainly for their emotional and real depictions of war. The fourth stanza in the poem below has be used as part of the Ode of Remeberance used around the world today.

For The Fallen - a poem by Lawrence Binyon.

With proud thanksgiving, a mother for her children,
England mourns for her dead across the sea.
Flesh of her flesh they were, spirit of her spirit,
Fallen in the cause of the free.

Solemn the drums thrill; Death august and royal
Sings sorrow up into immortal spheres,
There is music in the midst of desolation
And a glory that shines upon our tears.

They went with songs to the battle, they were young,
Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted;
They fell with their faces to the foe.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years contemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

They mingle not with their laughing comrades again;
They sit no more at familiar tables of home;
They have no lot in our labour of the day-time;
They sleep beyond England's foam.

But where our desires are and our hopes profound,
Felt as a well-spring that is hidden from sight,
To the innermost heart of their own land they are known
As the stars are known to the Night;

As the stars that shall be bright when we are dust,
Moving in marches upon the heavenly plain;
As the stars that are starry in the time of our darkness,
To the end, to the end, they remain.

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Our Quadblogging challenge for this week...

Our Quadblogging challenge for this week...

I know it's the holidays but it would be great if all Kakapo students that are able could please post some Komments on this blogsite:

Its a class from Holy Spirit Community School, Ringwood.

Sunday, 14 April 2013


Our Quadblogging begins this week!

What is Quadblogging?

An image of all of the places around the world involved in quadbloggging.

Our Quadblogging classes:

Here is the roster for our quadblogging experience: