I hope you all have a restful weekend - getting prepped for camp 2012 - We will have a great time. Here is a copy of the notice that went out today... feel free to leave a message on the blog if you have a question and no other means of communicating with Miss D or I.
Here is the link to the TVCC site
Final Camp Reminder
1. All students
must be at school in the hall by 6:40am
Monday. Set alarms now!!!
2. All students
are to wear their full PE gear on
Monday. This includes blue shorts, SHP PE top and sports socks.
3. All students
are to bring a packed morning tea and lunch for Monday, including water bottle.
4. Please make
sure clothing is suitable for camp activities.
5. Pick up from
school on Friday is between 6:15-6:45 pm.
6. If you want
to keep track of the great things that we are doing please check out our class
blog. We will be updating it daily with lots of photos.
a good weekend. See you MONDAY 6:40am
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