Sunday, 30 June 2013

Our Journal Writing focus for this week.... Week 9

We will complete a number of journal prompts based on this clip - What can you see, think, wonder?

Monday, 24 June 2013

Here is an interesting link...

In response to some derogatory statements that were made by soldiers and officers, the leader of the Australian Army released this statement...

What are your thoughts? We will discuss in class later this week.

Friday, 21 June 2013

School open today...

BUT.... You may choose to keep your kids at home if you have the option! 
The following text was sent out to as many people as possible this morning

Kia Ora, 
Due to the severe weather,   and power outages you may select to keep your children home today. We will have some staff at school to care for any children who have to come to school. 
Take care and wrap up warm! (esp if you still have no power!). 
Sacred Heart Petone.