Monday, 28 February 2011


A flash mob (or flashmob) is a term coined in 2003 to denote a group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual and sometimes seemingly pointless act for a brief time, then disperse, often for the purposes of entertainment.

check this out.....

Could Kakapo organise our own flash mob in the playground?

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Magical words from Snr Constable Blue

In relation to drug users who think that giving up an addiction is too hard:
"People who say things are too hard are basically saying they, themselves, are too soft"
What are your thoughts?

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Leadership is important but not everyone needs to lead all the time.

Since birth, you have all been told that you are unique and special, which is true.
What can get confused is that people have the same expectation of uniqueness and feeling special in regard to to being the best and taking a lead role in each activity that they do. Sometimes you can be unique and special by being part of the crowd, by being a follower. Leadership is important, but as this video tries to show, being a "first follower" is also a key role. Being a second and third follower is also important.
What are your thoughts? Take a moment to add a comment below if you can.

Monday, 21 February 2011

Something in the Air Tonight

Check out this clip of some pretty awesome singers doing there thing on the Paris Metro subway.
Would you have the courage to use your talents in such a public forum?

Saturday, 19 February 2011

Kakapo - Take a Step Challenge 2011

Sorry about the poor Quality. You may need to turn the sound up. 
Our school Camera Club will look at improving the videos and photos that we take.

Kakapo 2011

Although it seems that the start of the school year was only yesterday, the students in Kakapo have already achieved a lot. 

Our writing self assessment has started well and we learning how to become more critical of what we write.

The behaviour and work expectations are a step up from year 6 and the new Year 7's are slowly starting to adjust! Well done guys.

This is my first attempt at a blog, i am hoping that i will be able to share some needed information (homework, trip dates, sports events info) and also some exciting links to information that i have found on the Web. 

I also hope that parents will be able to stay informed with what their children are up to in class, through student examples, photos, scans of work and perhaps videos of school events. By having strong relationships between home and school we will be able to achieve the best possible outcomes for each student.

If you have any questions relating to anything posted in the Blog, please feel free to email, phone the school or come into class and see me.

